A Friend is.... 朋友就是 ....

A ccepts you as you are 接受原本的你

B elieves in "you" 相信你這個人!

C alls you just to say "Hi" 打電話竣EA就是想說聲"嗨"

D oesn't give up on you 從不放棄對你的信心

E nvisions the whole of you 預期你總是盡全力

F orgives your mistakes 原諒你的過錯

G i ves unconditionally 無條件地過錯

H elps you 幫助你

I nvites you over 邀請你

J est "be" with you 靜靜地在你的身旁!

K eeps you close at heart 靠近你的心

L oves you for who you are 因你原來的樣子而愛你

M akes a difference in your life 使你的生活與以往不同

N ever judges 不間斷

O ffers support 支持你

P icks you up 扶你一把

Q uiets your fears 止息你的懼怕

R aises your spirits 鼓舞你的心靈

S ays nice things about you 跟別人述說你好的那一面

T ells you the truth when you need to hear it 當需要時會告訴你實情

U nderstands you 懂你

V alues you 看重你

W alks beside you 與你同行

X -plain things you don't ! understan d 解你的疑惑

Y ells when you won't listen aXnd 在你聽不下時會大吼一下

Z aps you back to reality 把你拉回現實