My Daily Life

1. I hear the alarm. 我聽到鬧鐘聲
2. I wake up. 我醒來
3. I turn off the alarm. 我關掉鬧鐘
4. I get up. 我起床
5. I yawn and stretch. 我打呵欠並伸懶腰
6. I look at the clock. 我看看時鐘
7. I go back to sleep. 我睡回籠覺
8. I get out of bed. 我下床
9. I make my bed. 我打開床舖
10. I turn on the radio. 我打開收音機

11. I go to the bathroom. 我去洗手間
12. I sit on the toilet. 我坐上馬桶
13. I flush the toilet. 我沖馬桶
14. I take a shower. 我淋浴
15. I wash my face. 我洗臉
16. I brush my teeth. 我刷牙
17. I rinse my mouth. 我漱口
18. I shave. 我刮鬍子
19. I go to the kitchen. 我到廚房去
20. I eat my breakfast. 我吃早餐

21. I go downstairs. 我下樓
22. I get the newspaper. 我拿報紙
23. I read the headlines. 我讀大標題
24. I go back to my room. 我回到房間
25. I put on my shirt. 我穿上襯衫
26. I put on my pants. 我穿上長褲
27. I put my handkerchief and tissue in my pocket. 我把手帕和衛生紙放在口袋裡
28. I tuck in my shirt. 我把襯衫下擺塞進褲子
29. I look in the mirror. 我照鏡子
30. I comb my hair. 我梳頭髮

31. I put on my glasses. 我戴上眼鏡
32. I put on my socks and shoes. 我穿上鞋襪
33. I say goodbye. 我說再見
34. I take my briefcase. 我手拿公事包
35. I open the door. 我開門
36. I close the door. 我關門
37. I lock the door. 我鎖門
38. I go to work. 我去上班
39. I walk to the bus stop. 我走到公車站牌
40. I wait for the bus. 我等公車來

41. I get on the bus. 我上公車
42. I look for a seat. 我尋找座位
43. I find a seat. 我找到一個座位
44. I take a seat. 我坐下來
45. I listen to music. 我聽音樂
46. I open my book and read. 我打開書來看
47. I doze off on the bus. 我在公車上打盹
48. I look out the bus window. 我看看窗外
49. I get off the bus. 我下車
50. I walk to my office. 我走路到辦公室

51. I punch in. 我打卡上班
52. I say hello to my co-workers. 我跟同事打招呼
53. I sit at my desk. 我坐在辦公桌前
54. I open my notebook. 我打開記事本
55. I confirm today's schedule. 我確認今天的工作表
56. I work with a computer. 我使用電腦工作
57. I organize my materials. 我整理資料
58. I make a call. 我打電話
59. I answer the phone. 我接電話
60. I make some copies. 我影印資料

61. I fax a document to a client. 我傳真文件給客戶
62. I put in a disk. 我放進磁碟片
63. I punch in the data. 我輸入資料
64. I hit the wrong key. 我打錯鍵
65. I name the file "BW". 我把檔案命名為"BW"
66. I save the data. 我存資料
67. I print out the data. 我列印資料
68. I receive my pay envelope. 我收到薪資袋
69. I open my pay envelope. 我打開薪資袋
70. I read my pay statement. 我看薪資明細表

71. I go on a business trip. 我去出差
72. I work overtime. 我加班
73. I do some brainstorming. 我進行一些腦力激盪
74. I come up with a good idea. 我想出一個好主意
75. I submit a proposal. 我提出一項提案
76. I explain the plan. 我說明計劃
77. I have a meeting with my colleagues. 我和同事開會
78. I attend a meeting. 我參加會議
79. I present my opinion. 我發表意見
80. I take notes at the meeting. 我在會議中做筆記

81. I eat my lunch. 我吃午餐
82. I invite someone out to lunch. 我請人出去吃午餐
83. I order beef noodles for lunch. 我點牛肉麵當午餐
84. I buy my lunch at a nearby fast-food restaurant. 我在附近的速食店買午餐
85. I go out for lunch. 我出去吃午餐
86. I order today's special. 我點了今日特餐
87. I enjoy the meal. 我用餐愉快
88. I go to a smoking corner. 我去吸煙室
89. I light a cigarette. 我點香煙
90. I smoke. 我抽煙

91. I put out a cigarette. 我熄滅香煙
92. I chat with my colleagues. 我和同事聊天
93. I go to the restroom. 我上洗手間
94. I make an appointment. 我安排會議
95. I discuss business. 我洽談生意
96. I exchange business cards. 我交換名片
97. I go back to my office. 我回到辦公室
98. I look at the watch. 我看看手錶
99. I tidy up my desk. 我清理辦公室
100. I finish work. 我工作完畢

101. I go home. 我回家
102. I say goodbye. 我道再見
103. I get off work. 我下班
104. I punch out. 我打卡下班
105. I walk to the elevator. 我走向電梯
106. I go downstairs. 我下樓
107. I take a taxi to the train station. 我搭計程車到火車站
108. I buy an evening paper. 我買了一份晚報
109. I buy a train ticket. 我買火車票
110. I walk to the escalator. 我走到手扶電梯

111. I wait for the train on the platform. 我在月台上等火車
112. I get on the train. 我上火車
113. I sit down. 我坐下
114. I read the evening paper. 我看晚報
115. I give my seat to an old woman. 我讓座給一位老婦人
116. I stand all the way. 我一路站著
117. I sleep standing up. 我站著睡
118. I watch the scenery go by. 我看窗外的顏色
119. I hear an announcement. 我聽到廣播
120. I get off the train. 我下火車

121. I walk home. 我走路回家
122. I stop at a convenience store. 我在便利商店停了一下
123. I buy some drinks. 我買了一些飲料
124. I take my keys out of my pocket. 我從口袋拿出鑰匙
125. I unlock the front door. 我打開大門的鎖
126. I turn on the lights. 我開燈
127. I check my answering machine for messages.我查一下答錄機有沒有留言
128. I change clothes. 我換衣服
129. I take off my socks and shoes. 我脫下鞋襪
130. I turn on the TV. 我打開電視

131. I lie on the couch. 我躺在沙發上
132. I watch TV. 我看電視
133. I set the table. 我準備餐桌碗筷
134. I eat my dinner. 我吃晚餐
135. I play a CD. 我投放雷射唱片
136. I call my friend. 我打電話給朋友
137. I study English. 我讀英文
138. I read my e-mail on the computer. 我在電腦上看電子信件
139. I take a bath. 我洗個澡
140. I wash my hair. 我洗頭

141. I set the alarm. 我設定鬧鐘
142. I turn off the lights. 我關燈
143. I go to bed. 我上床睡覺
144. I roll over in bed. 我在床上翻身
145. I wake up in the middle of the night. 我在半夜裡醒來
146. I look for something for a midnight snack. 我找宵夜吃
147. I do some reading. 我看了一些書
148. I have some water. 我喝了一些水
149. I go to sleep. 我入睡
150. I fall asleep. 我睡著了